Cosmic Dreamspell Astrology Wisdom is a beautiful and practical guide for today in cultivating harmony and wisdom in our daily lives.
In today’s world people feel increasingly disconnected from not only society but their Essence Self. Cosmic Dreamspell Astrology Wisdom is a path to reconnection, with results that you can actually feel and begin to see in your daily life. It shows how by tuning into the natural rhythmical energetic frequencies of the daily Galactic Signature. With this you can connect with work, relationships, your body, and surroundings on a higher level than ever imagined, becoming more productive and self-aware in the process. Filled with interactive features, it’s also a daily practical guide to self-care that will help you realize your true potential and create a better life for you and for those in your spiritual journey.
This simple, practical workbook is perfect for any person seeking peaceful balance in their life with unique inspiration and self-empowering wellness.
Decode the secrets of time and get in tune with the Universe by using the magic of the Dreamspell! The Dreamspell was dispensed by Jose Arguelles and is inspired by the immeasurable spiritual wisdom of the Mayan and their Tzolkin! When used in conjunction with the 13 Moon Calendar, this workbook takes readers through 1 whole cycle of the Tzolkin!
This book has 270 pages full of Dreamspell Wisdom. Each day, readers will work on decoding the spiritual vibrational energies of the day. With its intricately laid out daily decodings, options for daily affirmations, and a section for you to draw and color the Solar Frequency and Galactic Tone, readers will find themselves intimately equated with the Dreamspell and quickening their understanding of its wisdom.
Right now, for a $49.95 donation plus shipping and handling, you can order and receive the Dreamspell Astrology Wisdom Workbook and a free Hunab Ku Pendant, while helping support the Awakening Consciousness Fellowship and their spiritual and humanitarian work as all the proceeds of this book will be donated to its causes. The Awakening Consciousness Fellowship is a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to helping with the raising of human consciousness around the globe. We have a location in Richand, New York, USA, Parish, New York, USA, and Kathmandu, Nepal!
Hi there! I just wanted to connect and thank you for introducing me to the Mayan system. I have been working with this every morning (among all of the rest of the things ) but lately this rebalance and connection with these frequencies has been wonderful. Today is also my galactic signature day
and I feel so grateful to have found this deeper understanding of self as a gateway to deeper connection with Self
I hope you are well and your very important work is truly igniting fires of realization! – Alanna B.